1. The Pickwickians
2. The first Day's Journey, and the first Evening'sAdventures; with their Consequences
3. A new Acquaintance--The Stroller's Tale--Adisagreeable Interruption, and an
4. A Field Day and Bivouac--More new Friends--AnInvitation to the Country
5. A short one--Showing, among other Matters, howMr. Pickwick undertook to drive,
and Mr. Winkleto ride, and how they both did it
6. An old-fashioned Card-party--The Clergyman'sverses--The Story of the Convict's
7. How Mr. Winkle, instead of shooting at the Pigeonand killing the Crow, shot
at the Crow andwounded the Pigeon; how the Dingley DellCricket Club played All-Muggleton,
and how All-Muggleton dined at the Dingley Dell Expense;with other interesting and
instructive Matters
8. Strongly illustrative of the Position, that theCourse of True Love is not
a Railway
9. A Discovery and a Chase
10. Clearing up all Doubts (if any existed) of theDisinterestedness of Mr. A.
Jingle's Character
11. Involving another Journey, and an AntiquarianDiscovery; Recording Mr. Pickwick's
Determinationto be present at an Election; and containinga Manuscript of the old
12. Descriptive of a very important Proceeding onthe Part of Mr. Pickwick; no
less an Epoch in hisLife, than in this History
13. Some Account of Eatanswill; of the State ofParties therein; and of the Election
of a Memberto serve in Parliament for that ancient, loyal,and patriotic Borough
14. Comprising a brief Description of the Companyat the Peacock assembled; and
a Tale told by aBagman
15. In which is given a faithful Portraiture of twodistinguished Persons; and
an accurate Descriptionof a public Breakfast in their House and Grounds:which public
Breakfast leads to the Recognitionof an old Acquaintance, and the Commencement ofanother
16. Too full of Adventure to be briefly described
17. Showing that an Attack of Rheumatism, in someCases, acts as a Quickener to
inventive Genius
18. Briefly illustrative of two Points; first, thePower of Hysterics, and, secondly,
the Force ofCircumstances
19. A pleasant Day with an unpleasant Termination
20. Showing how Dodson and Fogg were Men ofBusiness, and their Clerks Men of
pleasure; andhow an affecting Interview took place betweenMr. Weller and his long-lost
Parent; showing alsowhat Choice Spirits assembled at the Magpie andStump, and what
a Capital Chapter the next onewill be
21. In which the old Man launches forth into hisfavourite Theme, and relates
a Story about aqueer Client
22. Mr. Pickwick journeys to Ipswich and meets witha romantic Adventure with
a middle-aged Ladyin yellow Curl-papers
23. In which Mr. Samuel Weller begins to devote his Energies to the Return Match
between himselfand Mr. Trotter
24. Wherein Mr. Peter Magnus grows jealous, and themiddle-aged Lady apprehensive,
which brings thePickwickians within the Grasp of the Law
25. Showing, among a Variety of pleasant Matters,how majestic and impartial Mr.
Nupkins was; andhow Mr. Weller returned Mr. Job Trotter'sShuttlecock as heavily
as it came--With anotherMatter, which will be found in its Place
26. Which contains a brief Account of the Progressof the Action of Bardell against
27. Samuel Weller makes a Pilgrimage to Dorking,and beholds his Mother-in-law
28. A good-humoured Christmas Chapter, containingan Account of a Wedding, and
some other Sportsbeside: which although in their Way even as goodCustoms as Marriage
itself, are not quite soreligiously kept up, in these degenerate Times
29. The Story of the Goblins who stole a Sexton
30. How the Pickwickians made and cultivated theAcquaintance of a Couple of nice
young Menbelonging to one of the liberal Professions; howthey disported themselves
on the Ice; and howtheir Visit came to a Conclusion
31. Which is all about the Law, and sundry GreatAuthorities learned therein
32. Describes, far more fully than the Court Newsmanever did, a Bachelor's Party,
given by Mr.Bob Sawyer at his Lodgings in the Borough
33. Mr. Weller the elder delivers some Critical Sentimentsrespecting Literary
Composition; and,assisted by his Son Samuel, pays a small Instalmentof Retaliation
to the Account of the ReverendGentleman with the Red Nose
34. Is wholly devoted to a full and faithful Reportof the memorable Trial of
Bardell against Pickwick
35. In which Mr. Pickwick thinks he had better go toBath; and goes accordingly
36. The chief Features of which will be found to bean authentic Version of the
Legend of PrinceBladud, and a most extraordinary Calamity thatbefell Mr. Winkle
37. Honourably accounts for Mr. Weller's Absence,by describing a Soiree to which
he was invitedand went; also relates how he was intrusted byMr. Pickwick with a
Private Mission of Delicacyand Importance
38. How Mr. Winkle, when he stepped out of theFrying-pan, walked gently and comfortably
intothe Fire
39. Mr. Samuel Weller, being intrusted with a Missionof Love, proceeds to execute
it; with what Successwill hereinafter appear
40. Introduces Mr. Pickwick to a new and not uninterestingScene in the great
Drama of Life
41. Whatt befell Mr. Pickwick when he got into theFleet; what Prisoners he saw
there; and how hepassed the Night
42. Illustrative, like the preceding one, of the oldProverb, that Adversity brings
a Man acquaintedwith strange Bedfellows--Likewise containing Mr.Pickwick's extraordinary
and startling Announcementto Mr. Samuel Weller
43. Showing how Mr. Samuel Weller got into Difficulties
44. Treats of divers little Matters which occurredin the Fleet, and of Mr. Winkle's
mysteriousBehaviour; and shows how the poor ChanceryPrisoner obtained his Release
at last
45. Descriptive of an affecting Interview between Mr.Samuel Weller and a Family
Party. Mr. Pickwickmakes a Tour of the diminutive World heinhabits, and resolves
to mix with it, in Future,as little as possible
46. Records a touching Act of delicate Feeling notunmixed with Pleasantry, achieved
and performedby Messrs. Dodson and Fogg
47. Is chiefly devoted to Matters of Business,and the temporal Advantage of Dodson
and Fogg--Mr. Winkle reappears under extraordinaryCircumstances--Mr. Pickwick's
Benevolence provesstronger than his Obstinacy
48. Relates how Mr. Pickwick, with the Assistanceof Samuel Weller, essayed to
soften the Heartof Mr. Benjamin Allen, and to mollify the Wrathof Mr. Robert Sawyer
49. Containing the Story of the Bagman's Uncle
50. How Mr. Pickwick sped upon his Mission, and howhe was reinforced in the Outset
by a mostunexpected Auxiliary
51. In which Mr. Pickwick encounters an oldAcquaintance--To which fortunate Circumstancethe
Reader is mainly indebted for Matter ofthrilling Interest herein set down, concerningtwo
great Public Men of Might and Power
52. Involving a serious Change in the Weller Family,and the untimely Downfall
of Mr. Stiggins
53. Comprising the final Exit of Mr. Jingle and JobTrotter, with a great Morning
of business inGray's Inn Square--Concluding with a DoubleKnock at Mr. Perker's Door
54. Containing some Particulars relative to theDouble Knock, and other Matters:
among whichcertain interesting Disclosures relative to Mr.Snodgrass and a Young
Lady are by no Meansirrelevant to this History
55. Mr. Solomon Pell, assisted by a Select Committeeof Coachmen, arranges the
affairs of the elderMr. Weller
56. An important Conference takes place betweenMr. Pickwick and Samuel Weller,
at which hisParent assists--An old Gentleman in a snuff-coloured Suit arrives unexpectedly
57. In which the Pickwick Club is finally dissolved,and everything concluded
to the Satisfactionof Everybody
The first ray of light which illumines the gloom, and convertsinto a dazzling
brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlierhistory of the public career of the
immortal Pickwick wouldappear to be involved, is derived from the perusal of the
followingentry in the Transactions of the Pickwick Club, which the editorof these
papers feels the highest pleasure in laying before hisreaders, as a proof of the
careful attention, indefatigable assiduity,and nice discrimination, with which his
search among the multifariousdocuments confided to him has been conducted.
'May 12, 1827. Joseph Smiggers, Esq., P.V.P.M.P.C. [Perpetual Vice-President--Member
Pickwick Club], presiding. The followingresolutions unanimously agreed to:--
'That this Association has heard read, with feelings of unmingledsatisfaction,
and unqualified approval, the paper communicated by SamuelPickwick, Esq., G.C.M.P.C.
[General Chairman--Member Pickwick Club],entitled "Speculations on the Source of
the Hampstead Ponds, with someObservations on the Theory of Tittlebats;" and that
this Associationdoes hereby return its warmest thanks to the said SamuelPickwick,
Esq., G.C.M.P.C., for the same.
'That while this Association is deeply sensible of the advantageswhich must accrue
to the cause of science, from the productionto which they have just adverted--no
less than from the unweariedresearches of Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C.M.P.C., in
Hornsey,Highgate, Brixton, and Camberwell--they cannot but entertaina lively sense
of the inestimable benefits which must inevitablyresult from carrying the speculations
of that learned man into awider field, from extending his travels, and, consequently,enlarging
his sphere of observation, to the advancement ofknowledge, and the diffusion of
'That, with the view just mentioned, this Association has takeninto its serious
consideration a proposal, emanating from theaforesaid, Samuel Pickwick, Esq., G.C.M.P.C.,
and three otherPickwickians hereinafter named, for forming a new branch ofUnited
Pickwickians, under the title of The CorrespondingSociety of the Pickwick Club.
'That the said proposal has received the sanction and approvalof this Association.'That
the Corresponding Society of the Pickwick Club istherefore hereby constituted; and
that Samuel Pickwick, Esq.,G.C.M.P.C., Tracy Tupman, Esq., M.P.C., Augustus Snodgrass,Esq.,
M.P.C., and Nathaniel Winkle, Esq., M.P.C., are herebynominated and appointed members
of the same; and that theybe requested to forward, from time to time, authenticatedaccounts
of their journeys and investigations, of their observationsof character and manners,
and of the whole of theiradventures, together with all tales and papers to which
localscenery or associations may give rise, to the Pickwick Club,stationed in London.
'That this Association cordially recognises the principle ofevery member of the
Corresponding Society defraying his owntravelling expenses; and that it sees no
objection whatever to themembers of the said society pursuing their inquiries for
anylength of time they please, upon the same terms.
'That the members of the aforesaid Corresponding Society be,and are hereby informed,
that their proposal to pay the postageof their letters, and the carriage of their
parcels, has beendeliberated upon by this Association: that this Associationconsiders
such proposal worthy of the great minds from which itemanated, and that it hereby
signifies its perfect acquiescencetherein.'
A casual observer, adds the secretary, to whose notes we areindebted for the
following account--a casual observer mightpossibly have remarked nothing extraordinary
in the bald head,and circular spectacles, which were intently turned towards his(the
secretary's) face, during the reading of the above resolutions:to those who knew
that the gigantic brain of Pickwick wasworking beneath that forehead, and that the
beaming eyes ofPickwick were twinkling behind those glasses, the sight wasindeed
an interesting one. There sat the man who had traced totheir source the mighty ponds
of Hampstead, and agitated thescientific world with his Theory of Tittlebats, as
calm andunmoved as the deep waters of the one on a frosty day, or as asolitary specimen
of the other in the inmost recesses of an earthenjar. And how much more interesting
did the spectacle become,when, starting into full life and animation, as a simultaneous
callfor 'Pickwick' burst from his followers, that illustrious manslowly mounted
into the Windsor chair, on which he had beenpreviously seated, and addressed the
club himself had founded.What a study for an artist did that exciting scene present!
Theeloquent Pickwick, with one hand gracefully concealed behindhis coat tails, and
the other waving in air to assist his glowingdeclamation; his elevated position
revealing those tights andgaiters, which, had they clothed an ordinary man, might
havepassed without observation, but which, when Pickwick clothedthem--if we may
use the expression--inspired involuntary aweand respect; surrounded by the men who
had volunteered toshare the perils of his travels, and who were destined to participatein
the glories of his discoveries. On his right sat Mr. TracyTupman--the too susceptible
Tupman, who to the wisdom andexperience of maturer years superadded the enthusiasm
andardour of a boy in the most interesting and pardonable of humanweaknesses--love.
Time and feeding had expanded that onceromantic form; the black silk waistcoat had
become more andmore developed; inch by inch had the gold watch-chain beneathit disappeared
from within the range of Tupman's vision; andgradually had the capacious chin encroached
upon the borders ofthe white cravat: but the soul of Tupman had known no change--admiration
of the fair sex was still its ruling passion. On theleft of his great leader sat
the poetic Snodgrass, and near himagain the sporting Winkle; the former poetically
enveloped in amysterious blue cloak with a canine-skin collar, and the lattercommunicating
additional lustre to a new green shooting-coat,plaid neckerchief, and closely-fitted
Mr. Pickwick's oration upon this occasion, together with thedebate thereon, is
entered on the Transactions of the Club. Bothbear a strong affinity to the discussions
of other celebratedbodies; and, as it is always interesting to trace a resemblancebetween
the proceedings of great men, we transfer the entry tothese pages.