"I cannot understand, Senor Don Quixote," remarked the cousinhere, "how it is
that your worship, in such a short space of time asyou have been below there, could
have seen so many things, and saidand answered so much."
"How long is it since I went down?" asked Don Quixote.
"Little better than an hour," replied Sancho.
"That cannot be," returned Don Quixote, "because night overtook mewhile I was
there, and day came, and it was night again and dayagain three times; so that, by
my reckoning, I have been three days inthose remote regions beyond our ken."
"My master must be right," replied Sancho; "for as everything thathas happened
to him is by enchantment, maybe what seems to us anhour would seem three days and
nights there."
"That's it," said Don Quixote.
"And did your worship eat anything all that time, senor?" askedthe cousin.
"I never touched a morsel," answered Don Quixote, "nor did I feelhunger, or think
of it."
"And do the enchanted eat?" said the cousin.
"They neither eat," said Don Quixote; "nor are they subject to thegreater excrements,
though it is thought that their nails, beards, andhair grow."
"And do the enchanted sleep, now, senor?" asked Sancho.
"Certainly not," replied Don Quixote; "at least, during thosethree days I was
with them not one of them closed an eye, nor did Ieither."
"The proverb, 'Tell me what company thou keepest and I'll tellthee what thou
art,' is to the point here," said Sancho; "your worshipkeeps company with enchanted
people that are always fasting andwatching; what wonder is it, then, that you neither
eat nor sleepwhile you are with them? But forgive me, senor, if I say that of allthis
you have told us now, may God take me- I was just going to saythe devil- if I believe
a single particle."
"What!" said the cousin, "has Senor Don Quixote, then, been lying?Why, even if
he wished it he has not had time to imagine and puttogether such a host of lies."
"I don't believe my master lies," said Sancho.
"If not, what dost thou believe?" asked Don Quixote.
"I believe," replied Sancho, "that this Merlin, or thoseenchanters who enchanted
the whole crew your worship says you sawand discoursed with down there, stuffed
your imagination or yourmind with all this rigmarole you have been treating us to,
and allthat is still to come."
"All that might be, Sancho," replied Don Quixote; "but it is not so,for everything
that I have told you I saw with my own eyes, andtouched with my own hands. But what
will you say when I tell you nowhow, among the countless other marvellous things
Montesinos showedme (of which at leisure and at the proper time I will give thee
anaccount in the course of our journey, for they would not be all inplace here),
he showed me three country girls who went skipping andcapering like goats over the
pleasant fields there, and the instantI beheld them I knew one to be the peerless
Dulcinea del Toboso, andthe other two those same country girls that were with her
and thatwe spoke to on the road from El Toboso! I asked Montesinos if heknew them,
and he told me he did not, but he thought they must be someenchanted ladies of distinction,
for it was only a few days beforethat they had made their appearance in those meadows;
but I was not tobe surprised at that, because there were a great many other ladiesthere
of times past and present, enchanted in various strangeshapes, and among them he
had recognised Queen Guinevere and herdame Quintanona, she who poured out the wine
for Lancelot when he camefrom Britain."
When Sancho Panza heard his master say this he was ready to takeleave of his
senses, or die with laughter; for, as he knew the realtruth about the pretended
enchantment of Dulcinea, in which he himselfhad been the enchanter and concocter
of all the evidence, he made uphis mind at last that, beyond all doubt, his master
was out of hiswits and stark mad, so he said to him, "It was an evil hour, a worseseason,
and a sorrowful day, when your worship, dear master mine, wentdown to the other
world, and an unlucky moment when you met with SenorMontesinos, who has sent you
back to us like this. You were wellenough here above in your full senses, such as
God had given you,delivering maxims and giving advice at every turn, and not as
youare now, talking the greatest nonsense that can be imagined."
"As I know thee, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "I heed not thy words."
"Nor I your worship's," said Sancho, "whether you beat me or kill mefor those
I have spoken, and will speak if you don't correct andmend your own. But tell me,
while we are still at peace, how or bywhat did you recognise the lady our mistress;
and if you spoke to her,what did you say, and what did she answer?"
"I recognised her," said Don Quixote, "by her wearing the samegarments she wore
when thou didst point her out to me. I spoke to her,but she did not utter a word
in reply; on the contrary, she turned herback on me and took to flight, at such
a pace that crossbow bolt couldnot have overtaken her. I wished to follow her, and
would have done sohad not Montesinos recommended me not to take the trouble as itwould
be useless, particularly as the time was drawing near when itwould be necessary
for me to quit the cavern. He told me, moreover,that in course of time he would
let me know how he and Belerma, andDurandarte, and all who were there, were to be
disenchanted. But ofall I saw and observed down there, what gave me most pain was,
thatwhile Montesinos was speaking to me, one of the two companions ofthe hapless
Dulcinea approached me on one without my having seen hercoming, and with tears in
her eyes said to me, in a low, agitatedvoice, 'My lady Dulcinea del Toboso kisses
your worship's hands, andentreats you to do her the favour of letting her know how
you are;and, being in great need, she also entreats your worship asearnestly as
she can to be so good as to lend her half a dozenreals, or as much as you may have
about you, on this new dimitypetticoat that I have here; and she promises to repay
them veryspeedily.' I was amazed and taken aback by such a message, and turningto
Senor Montesinos I asked him, 'Is it possible, Senor Montesinos,that persons of
distinction under enchantment can be in need?' Towhich he replied, 'Believe me,
Senor Don Quixote, that which is calledneed is to be met with everywhere, and penetrates
all quarters andreaches everyone, and does not spare even the enchanted; and as
thelady Dulcinea del Toboso sends to beg those six reals, and thepledge is to all
appearance a good one, there is nothing for it but togive them to her, for no doubt
she must be in some great strait.' 'Iwill take no pledge of her,' I replied, 'nor
yet can I give her whatshe asks, for all I have is four reals; which I gave (they
werethose which thou, Sancho, gavest me the other day to bestow in almsupon the
poor I met along the road), and I said, 'Tell yourmistress, my dear, that I am grieved
to the heart because of herdistresses, and wish I was a Fucar to remedy them, and
that I wouldhave her know that I cannot be, and ought not be, in health whiledeprived
of the happiness of seeing her and enjoying her discreetconversation, and that I
implore her as earnestly as I can, to allowherself to be seen and addressed by this
her captive servant andforlorn knight. Tell her, too, that when she least expects
it she willhear it announced that I have made an oath and vow after the fashionof
that which the Marquis of Mantua made to avenge his nephew Baldwin,when he found
him at the point of death in the heart of the mountains,which was, not to eat bread
off a tablecloth, and other triflingmatters which he added, until he had avenged
him; and I will makethe same to take no rest, and to roam the seven regions of the
earthmore thoroughly than the Infante Don Pedro of Portugal ever roamedthem, until
I have disenchanted her.' 'All that and more, you owe mylady,' the damsel's answer
to me, and taking the four reals, insteadof making me a curtsey she cut a caper,
springing two full yardsinto the air."
"O blessed God!" exclaimed Sancho aloud at this, "is it possiblethat such things
can be in the world, and that enchanters andenchantments can have such power in
it as to have changed mymaster's right senses into a craze so full of absurdity!
O senor,senor, for God's sake, consider yourself, have a care for your honour,and
give no credit to this silly stuff that has left you scant andshort of wits."
"Thou talkest in this way because thou lovest me, Sancho," saidDon Quixote; "and
not being experienced in the things of the world,everything that has some difficulty
about it seems to thee impossible;but time will pass, as I said before, and I will
tell thee some of thethings I saw down there which will make thee believe what I
haverelated now, the truth of which admits of neither reply nor question."
He who translated this great history from the original written byits first author,
Cide Hamete Benengeli, says that on coming to thechapter giving the adventures of
the cave of Montesinos he foundwritten on the margin of it, in Hamete's own hand,
these exact words:
"I cannot convince or persuade myself that everything that iswritten in the preceding
chapter could have precisely happened tothe valiant Don Quixote; and for this reason,
that all theadventures that have occurred up to the present have been possible andprobable;
but as for this one of the cave, I see no way of acceptingit as true, as it passes
all reasonable bounds. For me to believe thatDon Quixote could lie, he being the
most truthful gentleman and thenoblest knight of his time, is impossible; he would
not have told alie though he were shot to death with arrows. On the other hand,
Ireflect that he related and told the story with all thecircumstances detailed,
and that he could not in so short a space havefabricated such a vast complication
of absurdities; if, then, thisadventure seems apocryphal, it is no fault of mine;
and so, withoutaffirming its falsehood or its truth, I write it down. Decide forthyself
in thy wisdom, reader; for I am not bound, nor is it in mypower, to do more; though
certain it is they say that at the time ofhis death he retracted, and said he had
invented it, thinking itmatched and tallied with the adventures he had read of in
hishistories." And then he goes on to say:
The cousin was amazed as well at Sancho's boldness as at thepatience of his master,
and concluded that the good temper thelatter displayed arose from the happiness
he felt at having seen hislady Dulcinea, even enchanted as she was; because otherwise
thewords and language Sancho had addressed to him deserved a thrashing;for indeed
he seemed to him to have been rather impudent to hismaster, to whom he now observed,
"I, Senor Don Quixote of La Mancha,look upon the time I have spent in travelling
with your worship asvery well employed, for I have gained four things in the course
of it;the first is that I have made your acquaintance, which I considergreat good
fortune; the second, that I have learned what the cave ofMontesinos contains, together
with the transformations of Guadiana andof the lakes of Ruidera; which will be of
use to me for the SpanishOvid that I have in hand; the third, to have discovered
theantiquity of cards, that they were in use at least in the time ofCharlemagne,
as may be inferred from the words you say Durandarteuttered when, at the end of
that long spell while Montesinos wastalking to him, he woke up and said, 'Patience
and shuffle.' Thisphrase and expression he could not have learned while he wasenchanted,
but only before he had become so, in France, and in thetime of the aforesaid emperor
Charlemagne. And this demonstration isjust the thing for me for that other book
I am writing, the'Supplement to Polydore Vergil on the Invention of Antiquities;'
for Ibelieve he never thought of inserting that of cards in his book, asI mean to
do in mine, and it will be a matter of great importance,particularly when I can
cite so grave and veracious an authority asSenor Durandarte. And the fourth thing
is, that I have ascertained thesource of the river Guadiana, heretofore unknown
to mankind."
"You are right," said Don Quixote; "but I should like to know, if byGod's favour
they grant you a licence to print those books of yours-which I doubt- to whom do
you mean dedicate them?"
"There are lords and grandees in Spain to whom they can bededicated," said the
"Not many," said Don Quixote; "not that they are unworthy of it, butbecause they
do not care to accept books and incur the obligation ofmaking the return that seems
due to the author's labour andcourtesy. One prince I know who makes up for all the
rest, and more-how much more, if I ventured to say, perhaps I should stir up envyin
many a noble breast; but let this stand over for some moreconvenient time, and let
us go and look for some place to shelterourselves in to-night."
"Not far from this," said the cousin, "there is a hermitage, wherethere lives
a hermit, who they say was a soldier, and who has thereputation of being a good
Christian and a very intelligent andcharitable man. Close to the hermitage he has
a small house which hebuilt at his own cost, but though small it is large enough
for thereception of guests."
"Has this hermit any hens, do you think?" asked Sancho.
"Few hermits are without them," said Don Quixote; "for those wesee now-a-days
are not like the hermits of the Egyptian deserts whowere clad in palm-leaves, and
lived on the roots of the earth. Butdo not think that by praising these I am disparaging
the others; all Imean to say is that the penances of those of the present day do
notcome up to the asceticism and austerity of former times; but it doesnot follow
from this that they are not all worthy; at least I thinkthem so; and at the worst
the hypocrite who pretends to be good doesless harm than the open sinner."